Trade Confidently & Analyze Charts Conveniently with VCPlus App. Available in IOS and Android Now!

Welcome to VCPlus

Invest in currencies, stocks, commodities, indices and more at low spread

8Maximum Spread
1:400Maximum Leverage
0 Commission
8 Maximum Spread
1:400 Maximum Leverage
Diversify Your Portfolio

With 20+ years of excellence and innovation, we pride ourselves on offering fully transparent quality execution, alongside extremely low spreads to forex traders together with CFD and other trading product to ensure you get the ultimate trading experience.

Markets Bid Ask Change
forex image
Trusted Worldwide

Find out the reasons why investors join VC Plus



Offers a variety of payment methods



Regulated by various authorities around the world



Provide a variety of option asset transactions Stock index option, foreign exchange, option, commodity option worldwide

user friendly

User Friendly

Provide dual platform for all financial products. Free and privileged experience

One Account, Dual Platform


mobile pc
  • Trustworthy regulation and data protection
  • Access to over 230+ trading assets
  • Just as powerful as MT4
  • Keeps you in touch with the market at all times


mobile pc
  • Connect investors worldwide through online community
  • Integrate to your VC Plus account
  • Access to professional charting and latest market news
  • All-in-one platform from browsing market news to placing orders

Trade confidently &
analyze charts conveniently

Elevate your trading with VCPlus App: lightning-fast access, intuitive design, and secure features. No more delays, just seamless navigation and data safety. Discover the new era of trading today.

FINTRAC Regulated Broker

When trading online, you want to be sure that you are dealing with a trustworthy organization. Our regulatory authorities assure you that we are transparent, trustworthy and always protect our user's interests. They also ensure that transactions are managed fairly.
You are in safe hands

We provide separate custody of customer funds.

Ready To Get Started

Open Account

Create an account by completing the application form.

Fund Account

Fund your account via your preferred payment method.

Start Trading

Submit the required documents and you are all set!